(Quick Reference)



Creates a GSP page locted at grails-app/views/addressLookup/test.gsp to demonstrate the usage of the javascript tags within a GSP page to allow automatic address lookups.

   grails install-address-lookup-example


The sample page demonstrates the required head tags

	<g:setProvider library="jquery"/>
	<g:javascript library="jquery"/>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="${resource(file:'address-lookup-zp4.js', dir:'js', plugin:'address-lookup-zpfour')}" />

It demonstrates creating an onChange trigger for a set of address form fields by putting the addressLookupOnChange tag in the head.

	<g:addressLookupOnChange />

It demonstrates the addressLookupLink and addressLookupButton tags.

	<g:addressLookupButton value="lookup address" />
	<g:addressLookupLink> lookup address </g:addressLookupLink>