(Quick Reference)

3 Installation - Reference Documentation

Authors: Aaron J. Zirbes

Version: 0.1.2

3 Installation


Service and Groovy classes

The com.semaphorecorp.zp4.AddressService service, and com.semaphorecorp.zp4.StreetAddress and com.semaphorecorp.zp4.Zp4Address classes should work after setting up the Config.groovy file.


In order to use the tags, you need need to install the jquery plugin. Then you will need to include the following in the <head> section of your GSP pages. This can optionally be put in your views/layouts/main.gsp (or whatever layout you are using).

The required items are the following two lines

<g:javascript library="jquery"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${resource(file:'address-lookup-zp4.js', dir:'js', plugin:'address-lookup-zpfour')}" />


<g:setProvider library="jquery"/>
		<title>Some Page</title>
		<g:javascript library="jquery"/>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="${resource(file:'address-lookup-zp4.js', dir:'js', plugin:'address-lookup-zpfour')}" />
		<g:textField name="address"><br/>
		<g:textField name="city">		
		<g:textField name="state">		
		<g:textField name="zipCode">

<g:addressLookupLink>Link to lookup this address</g:addressLookupLink> <g:addressLookupButton value="Button to lookup this address" /> … </form> </body> </html>